

161 Grand Ave, Johnson City, NY

Welcome to IOST Programs

A IOST program is an activity that is held on a recurring basis. For our one time events, please click here

Iqra After-School

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Al-Nur Academy

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Ma'rifa Program

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Hifdh-ul Qur'an Academy

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Daily Hadith Khatirahs

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

The Rays Of Mercy

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Muqarraboon Brothers Halaqah

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Saabiqoon Sisters Halaqah

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Sisters Brunch

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Qur'an Study Circle

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Community Potluck Dinner

The IQRA After-School Program offers daily Quran classes for boys and girls ages 7 and up at IOST, providing a structured and nurturing environment to learn and connect with the Quran.

Emails/Texts Signup

The Islamic Organization sends out an email newsletter roughly 2x a month, and also sends out urgent messages via text message. Sign up to stay in the loop.



Fill out the form below as best as you can and someone from our organization will reach out to you shortly. Thank you.
